Author: The Network

  • State of Marketing 2021 Report, by Salesforce Research

    State of Marketing 2021 Report, by Salesforce Research

    Introduction Salesforce is a customer relationship management (CRM) software that helps businesses connect with and get more information about their customer base. What’s great is that it’s a cloud-based service making it completely portable and scalable. (CRM) is globally recognized company!  Marketers are optimistic about the future of digital marketing. The research highlights the…

  • 10 Amazing Power Tools To Boost Your SEO

    10 Amazing Power Tools To Boost Your SEO

    Introduction *If this content is helpful, please give it an “upvote” so others can benefit from it as well. Don’t forget to check out the Free Tools at the bottom. This is a quick and useful read! Below, are easy on-page SEO tips that you can implement today when writing your blog post or publishing…

  • Customer Service: Cold Inbound Callers

    Customer Service: Cold Inbound Callers

    I didn’t know you hurt your toe… When it comes to customer service, it always starts with a willingness to be the first one to say or do something good. For example, if a person has a question about your product and/or service and they give you a call…you don’t know that they bumped their…

  • Reasons To Refinance Your Commercial Properties

    Reasons To Refinance Your Commercial Properties

    If a business owner has accrued equity in the commercial property, it may be possible to pull out a portion of it as cash to be used for other purposes. Remember, your refinance costs are tax deductible which means When you refinance your loan, all of the costs are deductible. You can write off your…

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